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26 lis 2024

25 lis 2024

  • 12:5912:59, 25 lis 2024 różn. hist. +9318 N Dyskusja:Jak się bronić przed represjami i prześladowaniamiUtworzono nową stronę "'''How to Defend Yourself from Repression and Persecution (U-221)''' (1) Repression is a means of exerting pressure on society or a group of people, a form of persecution of people considered political or religious opponents or enemies. For example, repression was widely used during World War II, including against Poles and Slavs by the German occupiers (Nazis, Hitlerites, Austrians and Germans) and the Bandera gangs of the Khazar UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army). T…" ostatnia
  • 11:0711:07, 25 lis 2024 różn. hist. +1 Dyskusja:Huna - Tajemna Wiedza Hawajskich MagówNie podano opisu zmian ostatnia
  • 11:0711:07, 25 lis 2024 różn. hist. +11 013 N Dyskusja:Huna - Tajemna Wiedza Hawajskich MagówUtworzono nową stronę "'''Huna - Secret Knowledge of Hawaiian Magicians (U-220)''' (1) Kahuna is the Keeper of the Secret, the Keeper of the Secret Knowledge, secretly called Huna. Huna was popularized in America and Europe by the magician Max Freedom Long (1890-1971) and by his friend, the magician Dr Elvis Otha Wingo (1934-2015), by the magician Dr Henry Krotoschin (1913-2009), and also by the adopted student of Kahuna, the magician Dr Serge Vincent Kahili King (ca. 1936). Max Long ha…"

24 lis 2024

  • 20:2520:25, 24 lis 2024 różn. hist. +8897 N Dyskusja:Cielesna Joga Demonicznych AsurówUtworzono nową stronę "'''Bodily Yoga of Demonic Asuras (U-219)''' (1) Asuras (demons) and people under the influence of asuras, asuric, and demonic forces are very careful about their physical bodies; they usually do not like overexerting themselves or toil. They are happy to rest so as not to become overexerted or exhausted. Asuras believe that they should not overexert their bodies unnecessarily. They look for comfortable places to rest and relax. Demonic people are most easily attra…" ostatnia
  • 19:2419:24, 24 lis 2024 różn. hist. +6 Dyskusja:Kiedy pójść do psychoterapeuty?Nie podano opisu zmian ostatnia
  • 19:2319:23, 24 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 332 N Dyskusja:Kiedy pójść do psychoterapeuty?Utworzono nową stronę "218 When to go to a psychotherapist? --- PMH-218 1. When we feel bad, we are sad, our friends have no strength for us, it is difficult to get along with everyone around us, talking to loved ones or friends about problems does not help, and our condition is getting worse, it is probably worth considering a visit to a good psychotherapist or someone who practices life counselling with the help of psychosynthesis, dianetics or transpersonal psychology, taking into ac…"

23 lis 2024

  • 13:4313:43, 23 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 601 N Dyskusja:Stopnie rozwoju świadomości, a prawo odpłaty karmicznejUtworzono nową stronę "'''Stages of development of consciousness and the law of karmic retribution (U-217)''' (1) Both according to Kabbalistic mysticism and according to tantric yoga, consciousness reaches five stages of spiritual development, of which the first, basic, is generally the same basis for all, associated with Prana or Nefesh, with life energy, vitality, with breath, blood and life. The next level of consciousness out of the five, basically possible in formal form, is assoc…" ostatnia
  • 12:5112:51, 23 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 658 N Dyskusja:Przyczyny braku rezultatów u liderów duchowych i ich uczniówUtworzono nową stronę "'''Reasons for the lack of results in spiritual leaders and their students (Udana-216)''' (1) Every now and then, we hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth from many so-called self-proclaimed leaders of various supposedly miraculous types of “spiritual development”, “magic”, “individual secret messages”, “development courses”, or “spiritual teachings” (and it’s not only about the famous law of attraction). They cry that none of their methods…" ostatnia

22 lis 2024

  • 16:5616:56, 22 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 207 N Dyskusja:O pokoju do modlitw, medytacji i rytuałówUtworzono nową stronę "'''About the Room for Prayer, Meditation and Rituals (U-215)''' (1) We recognize spiritual people, people with more developed spiritual awareness by certain actions expressing the state of the soul and the level of their awareness, the state of jivatman and ćittam. One of the basic needs of those who have awakened spiritually to at least the smallest degree is the daily need for silence, concentration, prayer, meditation or performing a ritual to a good heavenly…" ostatnia
  • 16:4916:49, 22 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 115 N Dyskusja:Odosobnienia Medytacyjne pogłębiają Życie DuchoweUtworzono nową stronę "'''Meditation Retreats Deepen Spiritual Life (U-214)''' (1) Many people undertake the initiatory path of spiritual development, often with a very ceremonial initiation from some great master or spiritual teacher. Dikshan is a very important part of a person’s spiritual development, and initiatory transmissions from the hands of living masters or teachers are usually the first real beginning of development on the spiritual path of life. However, what is important…" ostatnia

20 lis 2024

  • 13:0213:02, 20 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 453 N Dyskusja:Karman Człowieczy Okiem Ezoteryków i JoginówUtworzono nową stronę "'''Human karman through the eyes of esotericists and yogis (U-213)''' (1) Karman is a specific balance of merits and wrongdoings, accumulated in the successive incarnations of the Soul, which usually goes through an average of fifty incarnations before being summed up by the Great Final Judgement of God in the palaces of Yamadeva, the Deity of Death. However, there is not only the karman of individual people but also the collective karma of various social groups:…" ostatnia
  • 12:1112:11, 20 lis 2024 różn. hist. +10 149 N Dyskusja:Pranajama - Regulacja Oddychania Energią ŻyciaUtworzono nową stronę "'''Pranayama - the basics of regulating breathing with the energy of life (U-212)''' Beginners in the yogic arts, meditation, kriya techniques, and qigong should begin their studies by regulating their natural breathing. The process of regulation known in yoga as pranayama should be carried out until the person achieves the ability to breathe prana, qi energy, and life energy, and then by regulating the flow of prana (qi) through the energy channels (nadi, mai), t…" ostatnia

19 lis 2024

18 lis 2024

10 lut 2019

20 lut 2017

19 lut 2017

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